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PartsBase generates different types of reports, all of which can be customized with several data points depending on your exact needs. 

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Learn More About Report Types

Market Data 

Our Market Data Report contains information regarding Supply and Demand for each part number. It also includes a breakdown of how many parts are listed by condition code and the median price for each part in each condition.   

Search Report 

Know who is searching for specific parts, their industry, and their location. Also, get an idea of how many companies list parts matching those searches.  

Market Saturation Report 

Get a detailed look into how many companies have a specific part in stock along with condition codes and total quantity. 

Market Report   

A comprehensive report containing 3 different reports: demand, pricing, and condition information. 

Search Report 

A more detailed look at the individual searches that drive the demand numbers of the Market Report. 

RFQ Report 

A list of RFQs sent for each specific part number in a set period of time. 

Data Reports Include: Supply and Demand, Inventory, Market Saturation, Pricing, and More! 

MRO Market | Search 

Market and Search Reports specific for MRO Capabilities. 

See which parts are available as PMA and their respective Alternate Part Numbers. 

PMA Availability Report 

Market Saturation Report 

See how many vendors are listing a part broken down by condition code. 

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Data Points Include:

  • Total Searches Per Part  
  • Total Number of Listings Per Part  
  • Total Number of Listings By Condition Code
  • Median Price Per Part By Condition Code 

Data Points Include: 

  • Date of Seach  
  • Industry of those who Searched  
  • Country where Search occurred  
  • Companies listing each Searched Part

Data Points Include:

  • Total Companies Listing a Part  
  • Total Quantity Available in the Market  
  • Totals Broken Down by Condition Code 

RFQ Report 

This report details how many RFQs a certain part number received each day along with information on the buyer and the seller. 

Data Points Include: 

  • RFQ Date  
  • Buyer Country and Industry  
  • Seller Country and Industry

PMA Availability Report 

Easily see all alternative part numbers for PMA Parts and their availability. 

Data Points Include:

  • PMA Availability (Yes or No)  
  • Alternate Part Numbers

MRO Market Report 

Our MRO Market Report contains information regarding Supply and Demand for each part number. As well average pricing for each service. 

Data Points Include: 

  • Total Searches Per Part  
  • Companies Listing MRO Capabilities  
  • Average Test, Repair, and Overhaul Price

MRO Search Report 

Know who is searching for MRO Capabilities, their industry, and their location. You can also see how many other organizations have MRO Capabilities for the part numbers selected. 

Data Points Include:

  • Date of Search  
  • Industry of those who Searched  
  • Country where Search occurred 
  • Companies listing MRO Capabilities

See the capability of our Market Data Reports in action. 

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